ERIS – ASMGC-S for medium size airports presented at ICAS
The last meeting of the ICAS group (International Cooperation on Airport
Surveillance) was hosted by ERA company in Prague. The ICAS organization aims at providing a forum for industrial professionals in surveillance technologies from all over the world. It brings together project managers, engineers and air traffic and apron controllers to meet and discuss A-SMGCS issues. ERA (a member of the OMNIPOL group) as a major player in the community of ATM surveillance sent several of its experts including Jakub Thomas, the head of ERA Sales, and Marek Náhlík from ERA’s Slovak subsidiary R-SYS, who lectured on ERIS by ERA – the system for ASMGC-S for medium size airports.
A major part of the second day program involved a professional tour to Prague airport kindly provided by the Czech ANSP. The visitors had the
possibility to visit the Control Tower, test TWR and Technical Room for a close look at the technologies and procedures used by Czech ATM controllers.