
U-Space -> Registration and Airspace Management service for drone pilots in Hungary successfully deployed.

R-SYS Ltd., has successfully completed a process of development and deployment of mydronespaceTM system for Hungarian Air Navigation Services HungaroControl. Two key components of the system– HungaroContol’s mobile application for drone pilots and UAS operators, and the web console for supervisory authorities – together constitute a keystone providing a secure registration of drone pilots and reliable airspace management service involving UAS operation in Hungary.

Mydronespace solution represents a good basis for the future U-Space (UTM) system that should fully integrate the unmanned aerial vehicles into ATC environment. Mydronespace was developed for, and delivered to HungaroControl, the Hungarian ANS provider, for its operational use and service provision. With mydronespace, HungaroControl can provide essential support to UAS pilots: mydronespace supports the situational awareness of drone pilots in accordance with the legislation in force.

“Thanks to the excellent cooperation of HungaroControl and R-SYS, mydronespace design has been tailored to the customer’s requirements, SW successfully implemented, and field tested to be finally put into full operation from January 1, 2021, on the day when Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/947 on the rules and procedures for the operation of unmanned aircraft became effective in EU,” stated Marek Náhlik, CEO of R-SYS.

The R-SYS Ltd, thus becomes one of the few producers within EU having in its portfolio a UTM solution providing drone pilot registration and UAS flight management, and Hungary becomes one of the first EU countries operating such solution and providing UTM services to drone pilots. Before its first execution, mydronespace was subject to extensive cyber security testing as cyber threats protection was one of the key requirements the new system shall comply with. In addition, a synergistic benefit of integrating mydronespace (designed for drone pilots) into the existing NetBriefing system (designed for GA pilots) is a significant improvement of air traffic safety and airspace efficiency while air navigation service provision is facing a rapidly increasing use of UAS both for commercial and non-commercial (hobby) purposes.

World ATM Congress 2020

Meet us at stand 1159, hall 9.



IWB (Integrated Web Briefing) – a tool that makes life easier for GA pilots.

Janusz Janiszewski, Acting President of Polish Air Navigation Services Agency has highlighted in his interview for webzin DlaPilota( :

“In Poland, in recent years, we have recorded a gigantic increase in GA traffic, which indicates that our country is growing. And one of the systems introduced for GA is IWB (Integrated Web Briefing), which is a tool that makes life easier for GA pilots.

The world is moving forward, we are moving in the electronic world. The smartphone, which almost everyone has in their pocket today, facilitates functioning in many areas of everyday life. Now it will be easier to prepare for the flight and to perform the flight itself. The basic functionality of IWB is the integration of all information necessary for pilots to plan the air operations. It enables the sending of IFR and VFR flight plans and related messages, a preview of active FUA zones in the Warsaw FIR, current NOTAMs and METEO messages.”

IWB (Integrated Web Briefing) for PANSA has been provided by R-SYS, Ltd. .

Full article :


ERIS – ASMGC-S for medium size airports presented at ICAS

The last meeting of the ICAS group (International Cooperation on Airport
Surveillance) was hosted by ERA company in Prague. The ICAS organization aims at providing a forum for industrial professionals in surveillance technologies from all over the world. It brings together project managers, engineers and air traffic and apron controllers to meet and discuss A-SMGCS issues. ERA (a member of the OMNIPOL group) as a major player in the community of ATM surveillance sent several of its experts including Jakub Thomas, the head of ERA Sales, and Marek Náhlík from ERA’s Slovak subsidiary R-SYS, who lectured on ERIS by ERA – the system for ASMGC-S for medium size airports.
A major part of the second day program involved a professional tour to Prague airport kindly provided by the Czech ANSP. The visitors had the
possibility to visit the Control Tower, test TWR and Technical Room for a close look at the technologies and procedures used by Czech ATM controllers.

IXO RPAS solution presented at Security and RPAS Workshop

On April 12, 2018, R-SYS took part in a workshop Security and RPAS organized by Faculty of Security Engineering at University of Žilina. This workshop allowed the participants to share knowledge on current possibilities of RPAS deployment in the security domain (Fire Brigade and Rescuers, Police of Slovak Republic, and surveillance of critical assets).

In the first part of the workshop, the participants discussed changes of legal environment necessary for practical usage of RPAS. Consequently, they presented current technical possibilities of RPAS and their actual use in practice.

R-SYS introduced the second generation of IXO RPAS software solution that aims at integration of RPAS into ATM environment. We offered solutions for drone authorities (ANSP, CAA, Law Enforcement) including Drone Authority Console as well as a mobile application for RPAS pilots.

As a conclusion, the participants developed recommendations for the legislation, choice of suitable RPAS and implementation of technological possibilities into ATM and ATC systems.

The workshop agenda:

  1. Current legal framework vs. actual security requirements in practice:
    • Analysis of legal environment
    • Current issues resulting from the security strategy of Slovak Republic
    • Requirements of Police for usage of RPAS
    • Requirements of Fire Brigade and Rescuers for usage of RPAS
    • Infrastructure security of energy and transport industry
  2. Practical requirements vs. technical possibilities of current RPAS:
    • Real use cases based on examples of Hungary and Czech Republic
    • Protection of infrastructure assets
    • RPAS use in Fire Brigade and Rescuers tactics for firefighting and rescue operations
    • RPAS use in Police operations

R-SYS at Airspace for All and Air Navigation Services Conference

R-SYS representatives had been invited to actively take part in the conference Airspace for All and Air Navigation Services organized by Flight Preparation Department of Technical University of Košice on April 10 – 11, 2018.

This conference aimed to exchange knowledge on airspace use as seen by various categories of its users, introduction of planned changes in aisrpace structure and a consequent panel discussion with conference participants.

The R-SYS representatives presented IXO SYSTEM, a complex solution with focus on a pilot pre-flight briefing IXO PILOT, and the second generation of software solution IXO RPAS that integrates RPAS into ATM environment.

The conference agenda:

  • Planning and usage of airspace structures
  • Flight information service for general aviation
  • Changes in airspace structure in Slovak Republic
  • Practical experience in using Slovak airspace during organized public aviation events
  • Practical experience in using Slovak airspace by LAA (Aviation Amateur Association)
  • Practical experience in using Slovak airspace by SFUL (Slovak Ultralight Federation)
  • Safety in airspace used by RC model operators
  • Modern multilateration-based surveillance systems
  • Aviation data presentation and RPAS integration into ATM
  • Meteorological safety of airspaces

R-SYS exhibits at WATM Madrid

R-SYS will be present at the number one exhibition in the world of air traffic – WATM Madrid.

R-SYS, Ltd. together with its mother company ERA will exhibit its proven technologies for aircraft surveillance and air traffic management and their most recent innovations at the World ATM Congress. This international exhibition and conference organized by CANSO (the Civil Air Navigation Services Organisation) will take place at IFEMA trade park in Madrid, Spain from March 6th to 8th, 2018 with a record-breaking number of 232 exhibitors from 33 countries.

We cordially invite you to visit us at ERA stand 367, learn about IXO SYSTEM – a novel ATM solution, and enjoy our Happy Hour on March 6th at 4:30pm.



R-SYS presented at international conference “Increasing of the safety and quality in civil aviation”.

Conference “Increasing of the safety and quality in civil aviation” was held from the 7th to the 9th of February 2018 by the Air Transport Department at the University of Zilina. This event represents a forum in which industry and academia meet to exchange their ideas, to share best practices and to set up common challenges. The interaction between researchers and industry representatives is significant in order to come up with innovative solutions for the challenges of the future in air transport.

This conference is a scientific output of the project VEGA No. 1/0006/17 within the grant scheme VEGA of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic (Economic integration of European airspace as a structural and regulatory issue).
Agenda discussed :
  • Air transportation governance, economics and policy;
  • New air vehicle integration;
  • Education and training of personel;
  • Aircrafts and technologies;
  • Air traffic control and
  • Airports.



R-SYS presented at DRONET 2017, Pilsen

DRONET 2017 is Czech yearly event hosted by UAVA(UAV Alliance).

The conference included presentations and panel discussions by leading experts, policy makers and companies in the unmanned, (remote control) aviation community. Themes were focusing on the development of UTM systems in Europe, new business models, regulation needs, safety, security and privacy.

R-SYS, Ltd. presented its new UTM solution IXO SYSTEM with IXO RPAS module.