
R-SYS participated in the NATO TIE 2024 exercise focused on countering drones.

In September, the international NATO Technical Interoperability Exercise (TIE) was held at Lieutenant General Best Barracks in Vredepeel, Netherlands. The goal was to test technologies designed to combat unwanted drones. Among the more than 450 civilian and military experts from approximately 20 countries, including Ukraine, R-SYS was the only representative from Slovakia.

Over the course of two weeks, more than 60 systems were tested and their ability to integrate in order to identify unwanted unmanned systems. During the missions, R-SYS demonstrated the capabilities of the IXO MIL system in real-world conditions, providing data transmission and real-time target positioning – whether cooperative targets, obtained from Dronetag devices through network identification, or non-cooperative targets, detected by RF sensors of the ARDRONIS system from Rohde & Schwarz.

The results of the exercise confirmed the high functionality and reliability of the IXO MIL system in real conditions, as previous tests were conducted solely through digital simulations. Interoperability with other independent third-party systems is ensured through the SAPIENT protocol, which allows for the conversion of data from effectors and sensors into a unified communication language. This enables various systems to cooperate effectively in carrying out critical missions.

The NATO TIE24 exercise clearly demonstrated that effective defense against modern technological threats posed by drones requires a high level of expertise, close international collaboration, and thorough testing of innovative technologies in real-world conditions. We are extremely proud to have been the only Slovak company given the opportunity to be part of an international team exploring and testing anti-drone systems in practice,” said Pavol Serbín, Commercial Director of R-SYS.

The exercise was part of a broader NATO initiative aimed at integrating counter-drone technologies into the comprehensive air and missile defense system. In this way, NATO is responding to the dynamically changing security environment and the increasing role of drones in military conflicts, thereby enhancing the alliance’s preparedness to face modern threats.

R-SYS Strengthens Partnership with LVNL by Securing FDS System Tender

R-SYS has signed a long term contract for provision of services related to of pre-flight preparation, aeronautical information distribution and flight data management services by the beginning of the September with the Dutch air navigation service provider LVNL.

Cooperation between R-SYS and LVNL started during 2020 when cloud-based SaaS solution for pilot (HomeBriefing) and ARO FPL processing had been delivered. This portfolio had been since enlarged by NOTAM Portal and CFSP API, with ETA Guarding solution being in the final stages of the development.

Development of the FDS system

R-SYS was also awarded a winner in the recent LVNL tender process for the Flight Data Service (FDS) system. The FDS will consist of two main parts. The first part will enable Flight Data Assistants to review, search and modify flight messages entering the LVNL ATC systems. This will increase the awareness of the ever-changing traffic flow and provide the LVNL staff efficient tools to search and correct any messages that may cause ambiguities in their ATC systems, thus ensuring higher level of precision in flight data.

The second part of the FDS system will consist of new generation of HomeBriefing and ARO solutions. Whole system is based as the SaaS solution hosted in the cloud environment. This enables the system to reach the highest standards of availability and liability for reduce operational costs.

The contract also includes the continuous development of the services provided in accordance with new regulations and regulations, which will ultimately ensure a high level of quality and maturity of the system in the future. The contract binds R-SYS to develop, deploy and provide the system as a service for at least 10 years with the option of extending to up to 25 years.

“We are honored that, building on our successful partnership with LVNL, we have been entrusted to deliver the FDS system. This marks a significant step forward in expanding the portfolio of innovative solutions our company is developing for LVNL. By implementing the FDS system, we are not only strengthening our collaboration but also contributing to the evolution of advanced, future-proof technologies that will enhance operational efficiency and support the next generation of air traffic management services.,” said Marek Náhlik, CEO of R-SYS.

HungaroControl launched the VFR mobile application developed by R-SYS

PRESS RELEASE: HungaroControl, the Air Navigation Services Provider (ANSP) in Hungary, uses the NetBriefing web service for flight plan management, pre-flight briefing, and communication with pilots. Developed by R-SYS, this innovative system acts as the data source for a cutting-edge VFR mobile application, designed to enhance pilots’ situational awareness and streamline support for their planned flights. Launched in early July 2024, the application is compatible with both iOS and Android platforms.

Advantages of the VFR mobile application

The NetBriefing web console offers extensive capabilities for pre-flight briefing, flight plan creation and submission by pilots, and their management and approval by the ANSP.  The VFR mobile application goes even further by providing pilots access to these same functionalities as well as real-time navigation information and the position of other aircraft and drones in the vicinity. This versatile application collects, distributes, and displays all relevant aviation data. Users will particularly appreciate features that enhance situational awareness of current airspace conditions based on sharing and displaying static and dynamic airspace data as well as positions of other aircraft and drones.

The mobile application provides pilots with comprehensive information on flight operations and real-time METEO data, as well as the capability to share their locations, significantly enhancing airspace safety. This initiative marks a significant step forward in the digital transformation and modernisation of Hungarian aviation,“ stated György Blazsovszky from HungaroControl.

For whom is the application designed?

The application is designed for a wide range of airspace users, offering a selection of flight profiles that define the type of aircraft and flight, such as single/multi-engine piston, glider plane, paragliding, hang glider, motorized paraglider, hot air balloon, helicopter, ultralight, RC model, and drones. Registered users can use the application solely for private purposes; commercial use is not permitted.

Features of the VFR mobile application

The application presents data on Hungary’s light and dark base maps, using a digital topographic model of terrain relief DDM-50 accessible offline. Alongside static and dynamic (FUA) airspace details, it indicates the status of active online drone zones, provides updated AIRAC digital information, EAD data, precise METEO data from HungaroMet (including precipitation radar, satellite imagery, and warning forecasts), and AIP documents.

The application logs records for every flight, allowing pilots to review them for flight assessment or debriefing within the NetBriefing system. During flight, aircraft position data (from GNSS) are transmitted via mobile networks, visible to other users. The VFR mobile application provides a flight plan route overview on the map, and facilitates flight initiation from a list of plans created in NetBriefing. Users can submit flight plan-related messages DEP, ARR, CNL, CHG, and DLA to ARO.

As of July 2024 the navigation, pre-flight briefing and in-flight information functions are still in test mode, meaning the validity of information displayed is not guaranteed. The information shown covers information on the Hungarian airspace. The flight plan creation and submission works as a live system with the limitations of mobile coverage.

“In developing the application, we prioritised the provision of comprehensive data alongside a user-friendly and practical design and data presentation. We are pleased that many pilots have quickly adopted the application and are using it for safe flight operations,” noted Pavol Serbín, Business Director at R-SYS.

R-SYS demonstrated the capabilities of an integrated ATM/UTM system for the needs of the armed forces

R-SYS in cooperation with Dronetag and the Simulation Center of the General Milan Rastislav Štefánik Armed Forces Academy, conducted a dynamic demonstration of an integrated ATM/UTM system at the end of 2023 during the event “Ensuring UAS Operators Training in the Environment of the Armed Forces of the Slovak Republic.”

Project process and objectives

The IXO MIL system from R-SYS provided situational awareness within the training polygon, offering various types of dynamic and static data, including geographic zones, no-fly zones, and target object information. The system also facilitated notifications to trainees and non-verbal communication between the exercise leader and trainees through a chat tool. This solution is a functional equivalent of the UTM system (level U2), meeting the requirements set by the applicable EC(EU) regulations for UTM/U-Space.

Positional information and tracking of UAVs flying in the training area were conducted using two methods: DirectID via Bluetooth/WiFi and RemoteID via LTE networks. Positional data transmission from UAVs was ensured by Dronetag modules, fully integrated into the IXO MIL UTM solution. This originally civilian UTM solution was modified for use in various branches and components of the armed forces or law enforcement agencies, allowing the display of non-cooperative target positions using different types of surveillance sensors and communication with cUAS solutions via standard protocols.

Project results and benefits of the solution

The collaboration between the military and civilian sectors resulted in a successful demonstration of current technological capabilities in ATM/UTM integration and real-time UAS positional information display. The capability of real-time monitoring and tracking of various UAS through web and mobile applications based on the functional equivalent of the UTM system and access to specialized software providing relevant data about aerial vehicles was also showcased.

The utilized data and the tested IXO MIL application allowed the execution of pre-flight preparations, control and monitoring activities within the responsibility area, deconfliction between entities in the airspace, and warnings of potential violations of foreign responsibility areas. The demonstration aimed to actively showcase real-time compliance with the required safety levels through deconfliction and interoperability via systemic coordination, which can enhance task efficiency and adherence to national and international standards during training and special UAS missions.

The reduced workload for trainees, increased situational awareness, and provision of comprehensive situational overview throughout the exercise for the exercise leader were verified. This demonstration simultaneously showed how modified UTM systems could safely and efficiently manage drone operations even in challenging military environments.

This is particularly important as the pressure to integrate and ensure the coexistence of military and civilian manned and unmanned operations in shared airspace, especially at low and very low altitudes, will increasingly push for the implementation of UTM/U-Space rules and the automation and mutual integration of new and existing solutions into a reliable and economically efficient technological ecosystem.

R-SYS participated in the first autonomous BVLOS inspection flight in Slovakia

On 22.5.2024 the first autonomous drone flight without visual contact in Slovakia took place, organized by Východoslovenská Energetika Holding,a.s. – Východoslovenská distribučná (VSD). R-SYS participated in this unique flight by providing position and data display from the drone using the Authority console of the IXO UTM system.

The course of the autonomous flight

The automation of drone operations is a trend that opens new doors to the potential of unmanned systems. The advantages of using drones without visual contact are also realized by Východoslovenská distribučná (VSD) – a company that manages thousands of kilometers of power lines in Slovakia. That is why it organised the first demonstration flight by a drone to inspect high-voltage power lines in a designated location. Its implementation was made possible by an operating permit from the Transport Authority of the Slovak Republic (the first of its kind in the country), whose representatives were also present at the event.

The mission planning and flight execution was provided by the event partner – Zephyr UAS. The drone (DJI Dock) took off from the Lemešany power station and during the 9km flight performed an inspection of 21 high voltage poles. The drone flew along a pre-planned route and collected visual data from each pole. These were then analysed and processed by AI.

The flight was controlled from the VSD control room in Košice, approximately 20km away from the take-off point. Its progress was controlled by an operator who could take over manual control at any stage. As part of safety, the drone’s reactions to unforeseen events, such as loss of signal or adverse weather conditions, were planned and prepared in advance.

Real-time data from the drone

The drone was equipped with the LTE remote identification module Dronetag, which cooperates with the Authority console of the IXO UTM (Mam Dron) system developed by our company. Participants in the control room could thus monitor the location and other data transmitted from the drone in real time on a map background. Our colleague Pavol Serbín explained other possibilities of the IXO UTM web console, such as creating drone/no-drone zones, displaying data using Network/Direct ID, or calculating conflicts with non-flight zones.

The first flight without visual contact naturally attracted the interest of the media, which reported its results to the public. The communication of the event was also supported by the Mám Dron Association, which works closely with R-SYS to educate UAS pilots and promote the MamDron information system.

The inspection flight was also supported by an accompanying programme held in Lemešany. It included a drone competition Dronved 2024 and excursions in the premises of the electrical station.

On behalf of R-SYS, we would like to thank VSD for allowing us to be part of this unique mission that demonstrated and showcased the capabilities of today’s unmanned technologies for streamlining operations not only in the energy sector, but in many other areas of industry and services.

CEO of R-SYS in a panel discussion at the Dronecon conference in Prague

On 4.4.2024, the 1st edition of the Dronecon, a professional drone forum was held at the CIIRC ČVÚT in Prague. Approximately 150 visitors of the event, which was organized by the Euro weekly, had the opportunity to watch and listen to panel discussions of experts on current topics related to unmanned aviation, especially in the Czech Republic. Marek Náhlik – CEO of R-SYS, whose parent company ERA was also a partner of the event, was invited to participate in a panel on drone safety.

Advanced drone services

After the arrival and registration of the participants, the event was opened by Ondřej Kubala from the Euro weekly and the opening speech was given by the Minister of Transport of the Czech Republic Martin Kupek and the Rector of the CTU Vojtěch Petráček. This was followed by the first panel discussion dedicated to the topic of advanced drone services and urban air mobility. Representatives of the Czech Air Transport Authority, Prague Airport, the Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic and the Czech Chamber of Commerce discussed the need to define a strategy for the development of the drone ecosystem and the possibilities of the current infrastructure for drone services and the need to build a polygon for testing of the U-space implamentation procedure in the conditions of the Czech Republic.

Development of the drone economy

The second panel focused on investment opportunities associated with drone technologies and the impact of regulations on the development of the drone economy. The discussants (Dronetag, Railway Administration, UAVA CZ, Telink) raised the topics of the drone ecosystem in the context of legislative requirements, market opportunities and technological innovations. They agreed on the need for European and national regulations guaranteeing airspace safety, standardization of processes and communication between U-Space participants, which should not hinder the development of business opportunities at the same time.

Security challenges

After lunch and networking, the programme continued with a discourse on the security challenges that drones currently bring. Marek Náhlik (R-SYS) together with Ladislav Semetkovsky (Primoco), Ales Trtil (LAA), Brigadier General Roman Hytch (Czech Armed Forces) and Vladimir Šafařík (Rohde & Schwarz) discussed drone detection and elimination systems, the use of unmanned technologies in various interventions, and drones as part of the national security strategy. From the position of the director of R-SYS, a company dedicated to the development and implementation of systems for the management of unmanned operations, Marek Náhlik pointed out the need for safe management of drones in the airspace and its harmonization with the existing infrastructure of manned operations.

U-Space and development

The coffee break was followed by a final discussion focusing on the future of the drone ecosystem in the context of U-Space deployment in the Czech Republic, and the panelists also presented research projects and technologies being developed in the Czech Republic. Representatives from Honeywell Aerospace, CSG Aerospace, VZLU and AgentFly spoke about the development of unique aircraft and technologies in the Czech Republic, the role of research in the development of regulations and the specifics of U-Space in the Czech Republic.

The Dronecon event was met with positive reactions from both speakers and audience, and confirmed that expert discussions, forums and conferences are essential for the progress in the use of unmanned technologies and the societal acceptance of the coming advanced services.

R-SYS enables ANSPs to handle flight plans easier, safer and more efficient by using CFSP API

LVNL (Dutch ANSP) has made it possible for commercial flight plan providers to submit VFR flight plans more easily and safely by using R-SYS developed CFSP API. This allows LVNL to process flight plans more quickly and some of this work by the LVNL Flight Service Center (responsible for FPL handling at LVNL) is further automated. LVNL is the first air traffic control organization in Europe to do this, in collaboration with supplier R-SYS.

One of the tasks of the Flight Service Center of LVNL is to check and approve general aviation VFR flight plans, for instance for private pilots or business & helicopter operators. The FSC also provides information about everything that takes place in Dutch airspace. Until recently, commercial flight plan providers provided all flight plans by email. Through a link between the various systems, flight plan providers can now submit VFR flight plans to the same system, where pilots can also submit a flight plan directly and where all important information about the airspace can be found; on the website This therefore benefits the commercial providers, pilots and LVNL itself. The process is also safer because the chance of human error is reduced.

Collaboration with Commercial Flight Plan Service Providers

LVNL came up with the concept for this new system connection in collaboration with supplier R-SYS. This concept was then tested with the three Commercial Flight Plan Service Providers (CFSPs) with which LVNL is currently working. The system connection with the first commercial flight plan provider (EuroFPL) is live and in use since November 2023. It is expected that two other CFSPs will join in the first half of 2024.

Peak load management at Flight Service Centre

Team manager of the FSC is happy with the result. “This is a great step in improving the efficiency and effectiveness of this process for the FSC. The FSC has a very high peak load and the new system connection helps to manage this. This improves mutual communication, reduces sensitivity to errors, flight plans are received faster and can also be processed faster.”

LVNL project leader adds: “The service level is increasing because flight plans can be processed faster and it becomes safer because email is no longer used in the operational process. We are taking a step forward in technology and cybersecurity.

About flight plans

A flight plan is a document that pilots submit to LVNL before they fly. Flight plans give us insight into which aircraft will fly at what time. This way, our air traffic control can better regulate crowds. Submitting a flight plan is mandatory when you want to take off or land at a controlled airport or cross a national border. This must be done at least one hour before departure. Even if you want to fly through controlled airspace during your flight, submitting a flight plan is mandatory. This way we prevent unsafe situations from arising with other air traffic.


CFSP API is part of R-SYS IXO family of ATM/UTM solutions aimed at ANSPs. It enables exchange FPL messages between CFSPs and ARO in modern and fully automated way. FPLs filled in by pilots using mobile app provided to them by CFSP are send by CFSP using CFSP API to the IXO system which presents them to ARO staff for further processing. CFSP then via the same API receives information about acceptance or rejection of FPL by ARO and can display this information via it’s mobile app to the pilot.

NOTAM Portal by R-SYS helps LVNL to streamline NOTAM creation


Trenčín, Slovakia – March 5, 2024: Managing NOTAM requests from various airports and originators can be challenging, often resulting in difficulties tracking proposals and ensuring their accuracy before publication. To address this, R-SYS has developed the NOTAM Portal system, streamlining the entire process from proposal creation to publishing on the EAD.

The Challenge

In the Netherlands, numerous airports regularly submit NOTAM requests to the NOF (NOTAM Office), a part of the LVNL Flight Service Centre, which must validate and verify each proposal for accuracy. While some requests are straightforward, many require multiple revisions and exchanges between originators and the NOF.

The Solution

The R-SYS NOTAM Portal provides a centralized platform accessible to both originators and NOF staff. Originators, grouped by organization, can manage proposals directly within the web-based tool. After validating proposals using the EAD AIMSL NOTAM validation API, originators submit them to the NOF. Once submitted, proposals appear on the NOF’s screens for review and processing. NOF staff can examine proposals, offer modifications, and exchange comments with originators before finalizing and sending them to the EAD for publication.

NOTAM porposal form helps users to fill in NOTAM proposal in as convinient way as possible

Operational usage

Since its launch on February 22, the NOTAM Portal has processed numerous proposals, garnering positive feedback from originators and LVNL NOF staff alike. Users appreciate the system’s intuitive interface, reduction in workload, and improved visibility into NOTAM request statuses.


Linkage editor enables users to link proposals to the existing static objects

Airspace World 2024: an exceptional edition for R-SYS and ERA

The next edition of the international conference and exhibition Airspace World 2024 will take place in Geneva on 19th – 21st of March 2024. Airspace World is the most significant global event presenting new trends in modern aviation and air traffic management where ANSP representatives, aviation experts, and representatives of private companies network, exchange information, and discuss the current trends in aviation.

R-SYS could not miss this opportunity to present its solutions for manned and unmanned air traffic management belonging to the IXO System family within the stand of its parent company ERA (stand no. B22).

Moreover, 2024 is a year significant for both companies as R-SYS celebrates its 15th and ERA its 30th anniversary. Therefore, we cordially invite you to a small birthday party on 19th of March 2024 from 15:00 at stand B22

We will be delighted to meet and greet not only our friends and business partners, but also other event participants. Should the time not be convenient for you, our R-SYS and ERA representatives will of course be available at the stand throughout the whole exhibition.

In addition to the exhibition section, the Airspace World 2024 will offer a rich programme of presentations and panel discussions on current topics such as innovation and digital transformation in ATM, the path to advanced air mobility, turning the skies green, or unlocking the potential of drones.

The R-SYS has been granted the prestigious AAA highest creditworthiness Rating Certificate 2023

The esteemed AAA highest creditworthiness Rating Certificate 2023 has been issued to R-SYS s.r.o. by Dun & Bradstreet again in 2023, placing the company in the top 0.09% of Slovakia’s most reliable economic operations.

A AAA Rating Certificate can be obtained by operators who exhibit stable financial standing, reliable payment practices, and minimal bankruptcy risk. With this honor, R-SYS has proven that it satisfies the most stringent economic evaluation standards as determined by the Dun & Bradstreet statistical predictive model, thereby establishing itself as a dependable and trustworthy business partner for its global clientele.